
Biography of Dr. Mohammad Ashraf Khan is now published by and available at Amazon in both E-format and Hard Copy. You can find the book on Amazon

Book hardcopy: Baba’s Dream
E-book: Link: Baba’s Dream E-book

At this moment a biography of Dr. Mohammad Ashraf Khan’s life is in the final stages. This book with the title ‘Baba’s Dream’ is about this special man, a special culture and special events in an extremely dangerous but beautiful area.

Mohammad Ashraf Khan was born in the Pashtun border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan. He grew up among a people ruled by ancient tribal laws. He got the chance to study. He built stone by stone, a huge hospital on the border of his native region. A region and nation that is ravaged by a conflict which no one had chosen. A conflict that made the area a war zone and destroys a four thousand year culture. An area where drones attacks and kidnappings make life a daily hell.

The aim of the book

  1. This book will tell the story of a beautiful culture, a beautiful society, a beautiful area and unique ancient traditions. The story of a safe and secure nation without borders that survived for four thousand years without police or laws.
  2. This book will be a wakeup call for the world to create a way for every Pashtun to find a safe heaven and way back to his land and culture.
  3. This book will encourage the reader in a subtle way to be part of the roadmap to a safe and secure Pashtun Nation with respect of the four thousand year old traditions and basic facilities like education and health care for every Pashtun.

The photographs in the book are illustrative and serve to support the message of the book.